Weekend & Monthly Events for Kids and Families, plus Summer Camp Guides:
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Fill the Bucket Water Game by theresourcefulmom.com
Amazing Hand Bubbles by thecrafttrain.com
Milk Jug Water Balloon Toss by kidfriendlythingstodo.com
Simon Says Colors Learning Activity by toddlerapprooved
Bowling with Coconuts by fun-a-day.com
Build a Plinko Game by happinessishomemade.com
DIY Ladder Golf Game by homemadeheather.com
Glow in the Dark Yard Game by thecountrychiccottage.com
Frozen Popsicle Chalk by readingconfetti.com
Bubble Painting by funlearningforkids.com
Sponge Toss Water Activity by theresourcefulmama.com
Name Writing with Nature by adventures-in-a-box.com
Water Balloon Hunt by kidfriendlythingstodo.com
DIY Bean Bag Toss by modpodgerocksblog.com
Outdoor Bowling by polkadotchair.com
Fun Shadow Activities by rhythmsofplay.com
Soft Giant Jenga by kidfriendlythingstodo.com
Painting Ice by picklebums.com
DIY Ring Toss Game by momendeavors.com
Pool Noodle Games by thecountrychiccottage.net
Water Balloon Volleyball by itsalwaysautumn.com
Splat Art Gravity Painting by fun-a-day.com
DIY Rainbow Hopscotch by happinessishomemade.com
Yard Yahtzee by lifesewsavory.com
Water Obstacle Course by meaningfulmama.com
Squirt Gun Watercolor Painting by makeit-loveit.com
How to make Cornhole Boards by awonderfulthought.com
Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt by handsonaswegrow.com
Make a Nature Collage Suncatcher by handsonaswegrow.com
How to make Sidewalk Chalk Paint by simpleeverydaymom.com
Go on a Color Scavenger Hunt by iheartcraftythings.com
Flower Sensory Bin by adventure-in-a-box.com
Firefighter Race by kidfriendlythingstodo.com
Make a Soccer Goal by icanteachmychild.com
DIY Backyard Dominoes by lemonthistle.com
DIY Football Toss Game by cherishedbliss.com
Make a Nerf Play Zone by toddlerapproved.com
Marshmallow Shooter by happinessishomemade.com
Make a river from foil by icanteachmychild.com
Fun Carnival Games by eastcoastmommyblog.blogspot.com
Make a Kite with a Paper Plate by thecountrychiccottage.com
Make a Kid's Car Wash by momendeavors.com
Make a Tree Swing by abeautifulmess.com
Make your own Splash Balls by momendeavors.com
Painting with your feet by funathomewithkids.com
Ice Boat Racing for Toddlers by toddlerapproved.com
Water Squirter Math Game by kitchencounterchronicles.com
How to make Giant Bubbles by icanteachmychild.com
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