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A trip to the beach can inspire you to create some cute and colorful crafts that you'll find below.
Melted Crayon Sea Shells by funathomewithkids.com
Styrofoam Cup Crabs by craftsbyamanda.com
Seashell Ornaments by icanteachmychild.com
Handprint Crab by simpleeverydaymom.com
Marbled Seashell Art by projectswithkids.com
Cute Crab Hats with Printable Template by kiscraftroom.com
Sea Glass Wind Chimes by rhythmsofplay.com
Cupcake Liner Crabs by iheartcraftythings.com
How to Dye Seashells by rainydaymum.co.uk
Photo source: Play Trains
Toy Surfboard Craft by Play Trains
Shell Painting by fun-a-day.com
Rocking Crabs by kidscraftroom.com
Colorful Jellyfish by iheartcraftythings.com
Shell Sculpture by fun-a-day.com