Weekend & Monthly Events for Kids and Families, plus Summer Camp Guides:
Atlanta Boston Chicago Houston Los Angeles
New York City Philadelphia San Francisco Washington D.C.
Glow-in-the-Dark Paper Plate Flying Saucer by artscrackers.com
Space Play Mat by funlearningforkids.com
Galaxy Chalk Pastel Art by projectswithkids.com
Constellation craft by giftofcuriosity.com
Marbled Planets At by iheartcraftythings.com
Puffy Planets by icanteachmychild.com
Planet Suncatchers by fun-a-day.com
Rocket Craft by simpleeverydaymom.com
Cupcake Liner Planets by iheartcraftythings.com
Paper Plate Flying Saucer by craftsbyamanda.com
Galaxy Jar STEM Activity by theinspirationedit.com
Button Moon Collage by adventure-in-a-box.com
How Planets Orbit the Sun Activity by rhythmsofplay.com
Building Rockets with tin Cans and Magna Tiles by andnextcomesl.com
Fizzing Planets by fun-a-day.com
Shooting Star Art with Chalk Pastels by projectswithkids.com
Astronanaut Glove Box by giftofcuriosity.com
Galaxy Playdough by theinspirationedit.com
Make a Space Shuttle by iheartcraftythings.com
Space Suncatchr by adventure-in-a-box.com
Rocket Hopscotch to learn about planets by andnextcomesl.com
Handprint Rocket by theinspirationedit.com
Painting Space with Acrylic Pint by adventure-in-a-box.com
Yarn Wrapped Planets by andnextcomesl.com