Beach Birthday Party

Option 1: Message in a bottle invitation
Take water bottles and add water, blue food coloring and sand. Wrap your invitations around the bottles.

Option 2: Beach Ball invitation
Buy beach balls  and with a Sharpie, write the party information on the uninflated balls.

Wording: Splish Splash. You’re invited to (child’s name and age) Birthday Beach Bash.

Option 3: Flip flop invitation
Take flip-flops and send one to each child. On the invitation, write “You’ll flip for (child’s name and age) beach birthday party. Please bring your flip flop and you will receive the other one to decorate at the party.”  Add this wording, “For a flip floppin' good time come to (child’s name and age) Birthday Party. For those who want the ‘perfect pair' call (your phone #).

Spread sand and seashells on the walkway leading to the party. Hang beach towels up. Hang blue streamers from the ceiling and place blue balloons on the floor. You can also place blue tarp on some furniture to look like waves. Bring out beach chairs, umbrellas, surfboards, pails and shovels and beach balls. Place blue tablecloths on the tables, gather some fabric together in the center every few inches to make rolls in the fabric to make “waves” and secure it with tape. Fill vases with sand and shells and spread shells on the tables. Use bright colored sand pails for chips, pretzels, crackers and dip.

Games and Activities

Beach Bingo
I printed beach related art on sheets of paper for everyone, including the ocean, shells, beach balls, sand, sand castle, etc., and gave them shells to mark the matching items to the ones that were called out.

Crab Walk Race
Divide the kids into two teams. Have the walk like a crab— you walk with just your hands and feet on the floor and your belly up.

Have a Limbo Contest
Hold a broomstick about four feet above the ground. After everyone has had a turn, lower the stick half a foot and lower it after each round. Keep playing until only one player remains.

Pass the Beach Ball Relay
We had the divide into two groups and they each lined up on either side of the room. Each girl stood about three feet away from each other and they had to put the ball in between their knees and walk to the next girl and pass the beach ball by only using their knees. If someone drops it, that team has to start all over. The first team that finishes, wins.

Water Balloon Pass
We divided the kids into pairs and had them stand about a two feet away from their partner. Give a person from each pair a water balloon and they have to toss it back and forth to their partners. If a pair drops their balloon, they are out of the game. The rest of the players take a step back to increase the distance between themselves. They keep on tossing the balloons until there’s only one pair left.

Hula Hoop Passing Relay
Make two teams and have the members of each team hold hands with one another. They have to pass the hula hoop to one another without using their hands.

Musical Beach Towels
Place folded beach towels on the floor.

Decorate Flip Flops
Decorate flip flops with silk flowers, rhinestones, foam shapes and ribbon. Kids will need assistance with glue guns.

Decorate Tote Bags
Decorate beach bags with fabric paint and markers. You can buy stencils such as letters so they can monogram them.

Decorate Sun Visors
Decorate foam sun visors with foam stickers

Sand Art
You can purchase small jars or bottle necklaces and add pastel colored sand.

Beach Ball Conversation Starter
Write questions on a beach ball such as “which celebrity do you think you're most like.” Have the kids sit in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The person who catches it answers a question. They can answer any question or one that one of their hands landed on.

Party Food
BBQ burgers, hot dogs, chicken. Mac & Cheese with shell pasta. Fruit kabobs. Fresh fruit smoothies.

For the cake—You can make a beach scene with blue frosting for the water and crushed graham crackers for the sand. Place Teddy Grahams on Lifesaver Gummies and on the blue frosting like they’re floating on the water. Then place Teddy Grahams on top of Fruit Roll-ups on the “sand” to look like they’re sunbathing.

Party Favors
Sunglasses, small bottles of sunscreen, lip balm, beach toys, pails and shovels, beach towels, beach balls, tropical fruit flavored candy

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